Door of Hope exists to transform the lives of the poor and marginalised in Eastern Europe particularly in Bulgaria and the Ukraine. Door of Hope covers the areas of Education, Social Care and most recently Human Trafficking.
Existing since 1981 the core of the charity is unlocking the potential in people who through no fault of their own face injustice and have no way of escaping it.
Door of Hope’s vision is to unlock potential within the marginalised communities of Eastern Europe particularly amongst the most disadvantaged children, families and individuals.Its aim is to offer hope to those with no hope due to family dysfunctionality and institutional indifference. Door of Hopes vision is to see people and communities transformed and to help eradicate poverty and injustice.
A team of people based in the UK and Eastern Europe who believe that the love of Christ can transform people and situations.Through a range of education and social care projects in Bulgaria and the Ukraine we are committed to the releasing of peoples potential.
Door of Hope supports a wide range of projects in Bulgaria and the Ukraine involved in Education and Social Care.The charity exists to help the body of Christ in Eastern Europe work together effectively to promote education, deal with social injustice, love marginalised people that others do not and help combat human trafficking and seek the restoration of its victims.
Many people we deal with do not exist! Their lack of birth certificates and registration documents means they are not accounted for anywhere. They are therefore unable to access school, free meals, medical and dental help, legal employment, access to pensions, disability provision and other meagre but important funds. Without them the poorest who already struggle, have an even harder battle to survive and the circle of poverty continues.
Door of Hope, is aiming to pay for 50 children to gain birth certificates. If more funds are raised we want to help the elderly access pensions and disability allowances and registration documents. Although the amounts they can access are low, it can be the difference between poverty and extreme poverty.
Imagine being a child in Eastern Europe and living in grinding poverty with little to no chance of escape. Being brought up by illiterate parents who do not have the ability to help you learn and no financial resources in order to buy you the stationary items necessary for you to attend school.
Each year when a child goes to school the teacher hands over a long list of stationary and educational items that need to be purchased. When parents are choosing how to use their frugal resources then the list is overwhelming and virtually unattainable. This is why we have created ‘Bags of Education’ a positive and practical way of helping a child access education in Eastern Europe.