Once you have registered with us stating the amount of bags you require, we will process your order and send it out to you with a covering letter and instructions. When you have filled your draw string bags with the relevant materials from the contents list provided, please go to the Dispatch Form HERE making sure you input your chosen My Hermes drop off address on the dispatch form. We will then forward you your dispatch labels.
Please put your filled bags into a box to make sure they are secure and attach your labels clearly to the front. Please do NOT put more than 5 filled bags into each box for weight purposes.
PLEASE NOTE: we ask that each draw string bag does NOT exceed 2kg in weight.
We understand that people lead busy lives and time is limited but you still want to be involved in Bags of Education. Once you have clicked on – We Fill a Bag and fill in the £20 registration form below, you can leave the rest to us.
If you would like to donate towards Bags of Education and the ongoing education work that Door of Hope undertakes with poor and marginalised communities then click on – Donate and any donation you would like to make would be greatly appreciated. Your donation will help us change lives for the better – Thank you.
Door of Hope is always in need of school materials so we can top up bags and create more Bags of Education bags. With the ever growing need of getting children into school, we want to create as many bags as possible. When you click on this option there are suggestions of shops you can purchase your materials from. We have also created an Amazon Wishlist which is also very useful.
Once you have registered with us stating the amount of bags you require, we will process your order and send it out to you with a covering letter and instructions. When you have filled your draw string bags with the relevant materials from the contents list provided, please go to the Dispatch Form HERE making sure you input your chosen My Hermes drop off address on the dispatch form. We will then forward you your dispatch labels.
Please put your filled bags into a box to make sure they are secure and attach your labels clearly to the front. Please do NOT put more than 5 filled bags into each box for weight purposes.
PLEASE NOTE: we ask that each draw string bag does NOT exceed 2kg in weight.
First, choose which payment process you would like to make above. Then click on the relevant button above to take you through to our registration and payment process.
- Your requested number of empty ‘Bags of Education’ draw string bags
- Leaflet and contents list
- FREE – return postage of your ‘Bags of Education’ draw string bags
- The packing and transportation of bags to Eastern Europe
- Distribution of your ‘Bags of Education’ to children in Eastern Europe
- Thank you card and information on where the bags have gone
Once you have registered with us stating the amount of bags you require, we will process your order and send it out to you. When you have filled your draw string bags with the relevant materials from the contents list provided, please click on the EVRi logo below which will direct you to your nearest drop off point.
When you have located your nearest EVRi drop off point, click on the Dispatch Form link below and enter the address details into the designated boxes at the bottom of page making sure you fill in all other relevant information.